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Aretfact production part 2

Time management 

Above you will see my time management plan for the second part of production and how I intend to add things like basic collectables with logic as well as setting up the AI to patrol and chase the character when it sees the player.

Along with adding the AI, basic shapes for as placeholders for my collectables and the UI widget  I have significantly increased the amount of grass areas of the environment using a procedural folliage spawner all of which can be seen in the video below. Below there will also be screenshots of the code for all of the different parts.

AI Screenshots

Above you will see screenshots of the code that I used during the creation of my AI the patrols the area and if it sees the player it will chase the player until it has lost sight of the player. This includes its behaviour tree, each task used, the black board and its AI controller. Please press and scroll through the images so you get a detailed look at what each screenshot is.

Widgets and how I go them to appear 

Above you will see screenshots of the widgets and how I got them to work. However this is only going to show the code for one of the widgets as I just repeated the process 6 times in order to get them all to work. These are all labelled widget 1 to widget 6. Please press the gallery to see the pictures more clearly.

Video of the progress above

Above is a video of all of the stuff on this page up and working it will also show you how I have made the terrain smaller then it was before so there isnt to much space with too little stuff in the world. 

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