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Production Part 3 Feedback
Below you will see a prototype video on my project and then feedback on what people thought after seeing the video.
Protoype video
Above you will see an early build of my environement this has the collectable and an AI character in, however I am yet to get the AI to work and actually chase the character. This shows off my forest area so far which has the first basic collectable in.
Survey responses
On the left is asking about if any bugs are noticed within the video where you can see 88.9% said n0 and 11.1% said yes after reading all of the different responses there wasnt any bugs listed in the second question. This therefore shows that the result was just an outlier and there wasnt actually any bugs seen within the video.
On the left is a piechart of results on time period people thought the game was set in even though the majority so 74.1% thought it was in the jurrasic period which is correct the other 25.9% thought it was modern. This means that I am going to need to change the environemt so that people can clearly see what timer period it is.
On the left there is a question about what people would change about the environment. Popular answers were about the just dark green colour of the floor, the amount of grass and the size of the trees. This means that these will need to be changed so that the environement looks better and more like what I intend it to look like.
This is where I asked people what else they wanted to say and people responded with things like different trees and they wanted me to change one of the trees and add more stuff which is what I intended on adding in later weeks.
Overall I recieved alot of feedback which can be used to make my environment better this includes things like more grass, different sized trees, 2 similar looking trees and a different floor texture. I will get to doing these things on my next stage of production. This was good feedback as I now know what I need to do in order to improve upon what I have already done as well as what I need to add.
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