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Prototyping and screenshots


Below you will see screenshots of code that I have used throughout my prototyping process and its different features so the collectable prototype as well as the AI.

Above you will see my behaviour tree for my AI along side the code within its AI controller showing how I got it to work ad actually follow the character. This makes it so if the player is seen by the AI it will run towards it and follow it only stopping its chase when the line of sight has been broken. This will be modified for the final build so it attacks the player when they get close enough. 

Above you will see the code that I used whilst creating the widget as well as getting it to show up for the player and then closing when you press the close button. This will also be changed to make it more efficient in the final build of the game this will be to make it look betteras there is gunna be multiple of them one for each collectable.

Video of the prototype

Below you will see a video of my working prototype of the AI as well as the UI however both need changing little buts to make them better which is what will be done during the final project.

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