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Primary assets
These are the tiles I have used as floor tiles and the spikes are a hazard that will damage the player. One advantage of these that they were simple and easy to make without much hassle. One disadvantage of these is that they don't really work in all situations and the blocks sometimes get a bit repetitive. But overall can be used to create a level
This is my characters weapon pickup its multiple states are for the spinning animation. An advantage this is that is easy to see compared to the floor tiles as it black and grey where as the blocks are green and brown. A disadvantage of this is that its the only weapon the player can use making it lack individuality. Overall it is useful and easy to see in the world.
This is my healing pack and its second form that is part of its animation these will be part of a flip book. An advantage of this is that it will catch the eye of the player easily as it stands out from the environment. However a disadvantage of this is that its simple so I could have spent a lot longer then I did creating it. overall however it gets the job done and it should work well in the game as it stands out.
All primary assets were created using piskel and are 32x32 in size
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